Rating and reviewing Wizard Plans and recipes
Rate and review Wizard Plans and recipes by clicking on the stars above the name. When reviewing, you can assign a star rating (out of five, one being worst and five being best), indicate whether you think the plan or recipe is omni-friendly or kid-friendly, and leave general feedback. You can also upload a photo for other members to see.
Batch time ratings
For Wizard Plans, you can indicate a batch time rating by choosing one of the three clocks. Similar to star ratings, clicking on the first clock means the batch time was shorter than your usual time, the middle clock means it was an average batch time for you, and the third clock means it took you longer than usual.
These ratings are all relative to you and how long it typically takes you to batch. Don’t sweat specific numbers or times, choose what feels most accurate. We don't include specific times because everyone is different and batch times can vary greatly from person to person.
After you submit your feedback
Your star rating, batch time, and whether you checked omni or kid-friendly will be added and visible instantly to everyone. When you leave feedback or a photo in a review, it won't be visible to other members until it's been approved. We publish all reviews (positive or negative) after confirming they comply with our community guidelines.
You can change your rating or update the photo by clicking on the stars again.