Browsing for Magic Meal Planner recipes

When browsing or searching for recipes to add to your plan, you have lots of filter options in addition to those we’ve pre-selected for you. They can be found by tapping the blue Filter the goods box underneath the search field. Filter by categories like “Quickie Meals,” “Side Dishes,” or by cooking tools, like Instant Pot. You can also use filters to find recipes that are free of gluten, soy, tree nuts, and peanuts.

When searching for a recipe from the Magic Meal Planner, we'll automatically narrow down your search to planner friendly items. These are recipes that work well in the planner. To view all recipes for whatever criteria you've selected, tap the X on the Meal Planner friendly filter that shows below the search field.

Please note: the Magic Meal Planner and other meal planning features are not available to Recipe Vault Access members. Learn more.

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