Magic Meal Planner 101

The Magic Meal Planner is a super-powered tool for creating your own custom meal plans using recipes and meals from Wizard Plans or the Recipe Vault. 

You can have up to 20 Magic Meal Plans in your Magic Meal Planner at one time. Each Magic Meal Plan can include up to 14 customizable sections, with 25 recipes in each section.

Creating a Magic Meal Plan

There are a couple of ways to build a Magic Meal Plan. 

If you start in the Magic Meal Planner (which can be found by tapping the three horizontal lines ☰ in the top right corner of your screen), you’ll see an option to Create a Meal Plan in a box at the top of your screen. Add whatever name you’d like for your plan and tap “Let’s do this!” 

From there, you can expand or add sections to your plan and then tap Add Recipe to assign meals to the current section. Tap the pencil beside each Section to rename it. Members use Sections in lots of ways: to plan each day's meals, organize similar recipes (i.e. Breakfasts, Soups), keep track of helpful lists (i.e. Easy dinners the kids will eat without fuss), etc. Do whatever works best for you.

When you tap Add Recipe, you can choose which type of meal you want to add: breakfast, lunch, dinner, or all (shows all recipes). Choosing breakfast, lunch, or dinner will show you pre-filtered recipes based on which meal type you chose. We've narrowed down the selection to recipes that work well in the Magic Meal Planner. It’s easy to turn these filters off. To see all types of meals, not just what you selected (i.e. breakfast, lunch, etc.), click the X next to the filter name. To see all recipes, not just those recommended by us to use in the Magic Meal Planner, tap the X next to Planner friendly meals.

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