Gifting Meal Plan Club

Meal Plan Club is for anyone who wants support eating more plants and living their most healthy, joyful life. Plus, you get to support a small, woman-owned business. Win, win!

You can give the gift of Meal Plan Club right here.

How it works

First, choose the gift option and quantity that works for you

  • By the month: $25
  • By the quarter: $60
  • By the year: $216

Then, you'll fill out the gift form.

If you know the recipient

Put your gift recipient's name where it says Giftee.

The gift membership is delivered via email, which will have a gift activation link inside. You have two options for getting the email to your recipient:

  1. To have the activation email go immediately to your gift recipient, put their email address in the Giftee Email field. 
  2. OR, if you want them to get the email at a later time, put your own email address in the Giftee Email field. The gift activation email will go to you and you can forward it to your gift recipient whenever you'd like. Just be sure not to click the orange activation link in the email or the gift will be activated for you instead of them. Once you forward the email, they'll be able to click on the link inside to activate their membership.

If you want the gift to go to someone specific from the Dirty community or would like Team Dirty to choose the recipient

Choose whether or not you want to be anonymous. If you have a specific person from the Clean Food Dirty Girl community you'd like the gift to go to, but you don't know their email address, put their name in the Giftee field and leave the Giftee email field blank.

If you want Team Dirty to choose the recipient, leave the Giftee and Giftee email field blank.

If you have any information to help Team Dirty identify the person or special instructions for us, you can put that in the "Message to Team Dirty" field.

Note that Recipe Club and Drop It Club do not currently have gift options.

If you have questions, we're happy to help. Reach out to and we'll be there.

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